Burkina/Land: Controls planned from April 1 to 30, 2023 on certain land

Ouagadougou, March 15, 2023(AIB)-The Ministry in charge of Prospective intends to control and withdraw if necessary, from April 1 to 30 , 2023, throughout the territory, the residential land used for other uses. It will also be a question of verifying the effectiveness of land development within the time limits set and the payment of duties and taxes. Here is the full press release, dated March 15, 2023

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Prospective informs the recipients and/or assignees of land for use other than residential that his technical services will carry out the control and withdrawal, if necessary, of the said land. throughout the national territory from April 1 to 30, 2023.

The checks will cover:

– Land used for trade, industry, breeding, education, health, worship and other uses than residential located in a developed or undeveloped area (subdivided or not subdivided);

-The payment of duties and taxes (registration fees, land advertising fees, transfer fees, if any, to be paid within one month as well as the enjoyment tax to be paid within three months maximum, from the date of allocation or sale);

– The development of land within the time limit of five years maximum;

-The occupation of the said lands in accordance with their intended purpose.

Also, the persons concerned are invited to present themselves every working day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Property and land registration office of the place where the building is located, with their occupation titles (orders, certificates, permits), payment receipts and all documents useful for the purposes of control.

In addition, mobile teams will carry out checks to ascertain the situation of occupation and development of the land.

He recalls that in accordance with the provisions of Law 034-2012/AN of July 2, 2012 on agrarian and land reorganization (RAF) in Burkina Faso, Law 034/2009 of June 16, 2009 on rural land tenure and their decrees of application, non-development, change of destination and non-payment of duties and taxes, constitute causes of expropriation or withdrawal of the land concerned.

It therefore invites all those who are not in compliance with the above-mentioned provisions to kindly regularize their situation without delay, failing which, they will see their land expropriated or withdrawn for the benefit of the State or local authorities. in accordance with the texts in force.

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Foresight knows how to count on good citizenship and everyone’s contribution to the sanitation of urban and rural land.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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