Burkina: Ivorian military support and ministerial visits, on the menu of Burkinabe daily newspapers

This Monday’s Burkinabè dailies report on the visits of ministers to Bobo-Dioulasso (West), without forgetting the supervision of the sale of SIM cards and the military support of the Côte d ivory in Burkina Faso.

“Ivorian military support in Burkina: The embarrassing gift of a + local valet + of imperialism”, features on the front page, the dean of private Burkinabe dailies, L’Observateur Paalga in its column ”Comments on the event”.

According to the newspaper, “we learned last weekend, by Omega FM and RFI, at the request of Burkina, Côte d’Ivoire has recently provided our country with military equipment worth approximately of two billion CFA francs.

For its part, L’Express du Faso, a private daily published in Bobo-Dioulasso, evokes the subject in its column ”Autant le dire”, under the title: “Ivorian military support in Burkina, if we had understood it more early “.

The columnist of the Bobolais daily believes that “if everyone had understood earlier that terrorism as it is, required the combination of energies and means, certainly this phenomenon had long since ended”.

From another angle, L’Express du Faso features on its front page: “Rehabilitation of the Bo-Orodara road: The ministers of infrastructure ensure the effective start of the works”.

The same newspaper title: “Djené industrie / Bobo: The Minister of Commerce amazed by the quality of the products”.

The Bobolais daily emphasizes that the Minister of Industrial Development, Trade, Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises, Serge Gnaniodem Poda, paid a visit to Djené Industrie in Bobo-Dioulasso.

He relates that “Djené industrie” has a daily production capacity of 60,000 bags, 5,000 cans and 20,000 lids.

In this regard, The Observer Paalga points out that the first head of the department in charge of industry went to immerse himself in the economic health of industrial units in the western part of the country.

According to the newspaper, Minister Serge Poda calls on industrial players to persevere in production to supply the country with consumer products.

“Mining fund and sale of SIM cards: The deputies challenge the government”, publishes on its front page, the public daily Sidwaya which informs that the Legislative Assembly of the transition (ALT) organized, on Friday March 17, 2023 in Ouagadougou, a plenary session with debates.

The national daily specifies that the debates in the hemicycle focused on the use of mining funds allocated to communities and the supervision of the sale of SIM cards in the context of the fight against insecurity.

According to Sidwaya, the ministry in charge of electronic communication has indicated that since 2018, with the rise of insecurity, the government has undertaken the reform of access to electronic communication services by users.

On this subject, the private newspaper Le Pays reports that the Minister in charge of electronic communication, Aminata Zerbo/Sabané noted the difficulties linked to the global problem of identifying populations and the non-implementation of the interconnection of the operations database to that of the National Identification Office (ONI).

The colleague informs that according to the Minister in charge of decentralization, Boukaré Zoungrana, the resources collected under the Mining Fund for Local Development (FMDL) of 2020, distributed for the benefit of the 351 municipalities and 13 regions amount to 144,002,774 CFAF 813.52.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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