Burkina / installation: “I will remain available and open for the best interests of the Nation”, new Minister of Territorial Administration

The new Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security, Emile Zerbo declared Tuesday in Ouagadougou during the handover, that he will remain available and open for all what the higher interests of the Nation will order from him in his position which he now occupies, we learned on the spot.

“I will never tire of making my modest contribution to building a free, dignified and prosperous nation,” said Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security, Emile Zerbo.

He indicated that Burkina Faso is, since the advent of terrorism, in the years 2015, subject to several challenges.

According to him, from year to year, these challenges, although multiplied and made more complex, have been overcome somehow thanks to the courage, perseverance and self-sacrifice of the Burkinabè determined to win.

Minister Zerbo was speaking Tuesday in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the ceremony of assuming his duties as incoming Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security.

“This is the place for me to pay tribute to all my predecessors and especially to Colonel Boukaré Zoungrana for the work accomplished, in his capacity as Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security”, greeted the new minister.

He says he understands all the difficulty there is in succeeding a man of great value like Colonel Boukaré Zoungrana.

“Allow me to launch an appeal to all the actors and all the collaborators of this ministerial department, in order to federate all our efforts for a better accomplishment of the missions which are assigned to us”, he concluded.

Minister Emile Zerbo was appointed on June 25 by presidential decree to replace Boukaré Zoungrana.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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