Burkina: healing affair of Komsilga and situation in Niger commented on by the newspapers

The Burkinabè dailies that reached the AIB on Thursday continue to comment on the situation in Niger marked by a putsch, as well as the so-called Komsilga healer affair.

“Komsilga healer + case: Judgment postponed to August 23”, headlines the national daily Sidwaya which also informs that during his appearance this Wednesday before the High Court Ouaga II, the lawyers of the traditional healer of Komsilga, Larissa Nikiema said Adja Amsétou requested his provisional release but this request was rejected by the judges.

L’Observateur Paalga, the dean of private dailies in Burkina Faso agrees and also publishes the “statement” of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSM), signed by President Mazobé Jean Kondé.

According to the newspaper, the so-called Komsilga healer affair has not finished spilling a lot of ink and saliva.

For its part, Le Pays, another private daily, also publishes the declaration of the magistrates, highlighting on its front page: “Allegations of the existence of magistrates + rotten and sold +: The CSM says it is waiting for a complaint from the Head of State “.

In the same vein, L’Express du Faso, a private daily published in Bobo-Dioulasso, sports on its front page: “Thesis +of a big conspiracy+ against the State: The magistrates encourage IB (Ibrahim Traoré, Editor’s note) to seize the justice “.

According to the Bobolais newspaper, “in a press release dated August 9, 2023, the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSM) reminds the President of the Transition that, in his capacity as constitutional guarantor of the independence of the judiciary, there is a statutory framework for exchanges between him and the CSM to address calmly and in depth issues related to the proper functioning of justice”.

Meanwhile, Today in Faso points out that “the CSM takes note and formulates questions”.

The same newspaper devotes its headline to the situation in Niger, with the headline: “Accusation of attacks on villages by French forces: France’s denial and explanations”.

In its editorial entitled “Abuja this August 10, 2023: ECOWAS in the midst of a muddy watch, chilly and calculating Nigerien putschists”, Today in Faso wonders “what will happen today August 10, 2023 to this 2nd extraordinary ECOWAS summit devoted to the situation in Niger?

The editorialist notes that “after attempts by the Chadian head of state, Deby Jr., General Abdulsalami Abubakar and the sultan of Sokoto, the Bazoum men closed Niger like an oyster in the face of AU, UN mediators. and ECOWAS who were knocking at the door”.

In its ”Regard sur l’actualité”, L’Observateur Paalga speaks of the “Birth of a rebel movement in Niger”, noting that “it is getting complicated”.

According to the colleague, this rebellion called the Council of Resistance for the Republic (CRR) promises to support international efforts to restore constitutional order in Niger and to reinstall President Mohamed Bazoum.

“His parent is none other than the former Minister of State Rhissa Ag Boula. Originally from Arlit, the area where the uranium mines are located, his name resonates like a return of old demons in the heads of Nigeriens when we know that he was a historic leader of the Tuareg rebellion in Niger in the 90s. », comments L’Observateur Paalga.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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