Burkina: Government press briefing and promotion of peace, on the newspaper menu

The Burkinabè dailies this Wednesday deal with the promotion of peace through an award ceremony for the best journalists, without forgetting the press briefing with two government ministers.

“Government press briefing: +The security of Burkina Faso is also at stake in Niger+, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, government spokesperson”, displays the national daily Sidwaya on its headline.

Sidwaya informs that on the question of the deployment of Burkinabè soldiers in Niger, the Minister in charge of Communication and government spokesperson, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo recalled that any form of aggression against the brotherly Nigerien people will be considered as an aggression against the Burkina Faso.

The dean of Burkina Faso’s private dailies L’Observateur Paalga, for its part, adds that Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo indicated that Burkina is working in perfect harmony with its allies in Niger and Mali.

“SONABEL tariff adjustments: +There will be no impact on the cost of electricity+, Simon-Pierre Boussim, minister in charge of energy” headlines Sidwaya.

The newspaper informs that as part of the traditional government press briefing, the Minister of Energy, Mines and Quarries, Simon-Pierre Boussim, spoke to media men and women about the decree setting the conditions for delivery of the authorization for the installation and operation of charging stations for electric vehicles and the tariff adjustments of the National Electricity Company of Burkina (SONABEL).

For its part, L’Express du Faso, a private daily published in Bobo-Dioulasso, mentions as title: “SONABEL: A series of measures to improve financial performance”.

Meanwhile, Today in Faso, another private daily, has on its front page: “Improvement of SONABEL’s financial performance: The Minister of Energy provides details on the new measures”.

On this subject, the dean of private daily newspapers indicated that still in the search for performance, the government has decided to rearrange the tariff for poor power factor, by rereading the subscription policy of large consumers.

He specified that this results in the readjustment of penalties for poor consumption and the elimination of the granting of bonuses consisting of reducing the cost of energy for exemplary customers.

In another section, L’Observateur Paalga headlines: “Program to promote peace in the Sahel: Best journalists and best radio crowned”.

The newspaper indicates that as part of the Sahel Peace Program (PPS), the Norbert-Zongo National Press Center (CNP-NP) and its partner EIRENE awarded the best radio station and the best journalists of the fifth edition.

He added by writing that during this fifth edition, five radio stations from Burkina were in competition.

In the same vein, the private newspaper Le Pays indicates that the categories of journalistic genres concerned by the competition were major reports (13 broadcasts), magazines (9 broadcasts) and round tables (8 broadcasts).

He adds that the radio productions in the major report category with a score of 15.66, the jury awarded the first prize consisting of a laptop and a recorder, to the program “Prevention of conflicts with displaced people internal” by Pascal Sawadogo from Voix des Lacs radio.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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