Burkina: Four ministers evaluated this Monday by the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyélèm de Tambela assessed four ministers this Monday, August 14, 2023 in Ouagadougou, to take stock of the mid-term of the first semester of their various ministries.

Minister of Transport, Urban Mobility and Road Safety Roland Somda was assessed by Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyèlèm de Tambela. He fulfilled his target contract at 43.65% for a rate of 50% expected.

“We were able to operationalize Bobo-Dioulasso airport, in 24-hour operation. It should be remembered that many years ago the airport operated 2 p.m. and closed at 8 a.m., now it is operational 24 hours a day,” he said.

He added that in terms of urban mobility, of course there are actions that are still not currently visible, but they have undertaken a study that is underway to improve urban mobility in certain cities of our country.

The Minister of Town Planning, Land Affairs and Housing, Mikaïlou Sidibé fulfilled his target contract at 55.22%.

Mr. Sidibé indicated that out of the 38 activities in his performance contract, at least 20 have an execution rate above 60% and about ten whose execution rate is below 30%. The implementation average is 55.22%.

“A number of difficulties have been reported, in particular the question of financial insufficiency and also the security context in which Burkina Faso is evolving”, he concluded.

The Minister of the Environment, Water and Sanitation, Roger Baro has an implementation rate of 44.77% of his target contract.

According to the Minister, this rate is explained by several factors because the intervention rate is also linked to the season. He explained that it was only on July 15 that the national tree day with the reforestation campaign was launched.

For his part, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Prospective Aboubakar Nacanabo, affirms to have made a satisfactory rate of more than 50%.

“This result shows that in the first half of the year, we were able to achieve the objectives overall and we can say that with regard to the mobilization of resources, we achieved a rate of 106% despite the difficult context”, he added. he argued.

He said that with regard to land, efforts still need to be made because we must work to further digitize land procedures, which will make it possible to mobilize resources in the months to come.

The ministers’ assessments took place on Friday August 11, Saturday August 12 and Monday August 14, 2023.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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