Burkina/First aid: The Burkinabè Red Cross trains 15 journalists in first aid gestures in Kaya

The Cross organized on May 5 and 6, 2023 in Kaya, capital of the Center-North region, a training session to initiate men and women of the media on first aid gestures in Burkina Faso.

Far from the microphones and the respective newsrooms, 15 journalists presenters and correspondents of Kaya took part on May 5 and 6, 2023 in Kaya, in an initiation session in first aid gestures.

Organized by the Burkinabè Red Cross, this practical training was provided by the communication coordination and the department responsible for economic development and training centres.

For the national communications coordinator of the Burkina Faso Red Cross (CRBF), Ms. Balima/Nikièma Léa, this training is part of the commemorative activities for World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day.

“This training is the result of cooperation with the ICRC and aims to build the capacity of journalists on this topic and to rely on them to promote the expertise of the CRBF in this field which is increasingly in demand in the field. humanitarian. she clarified.

For 48 hours, the participants, under the guidance of seasoned trainers, familiarized themselves with basic first aid gestures, through practical simulations.

“We learned a lot of things. Simple but very useful gestures for ourselves and for anyone who will be in need of help. “, rejoiced the presenter of the radio Zama FM, Mariama Sawadogo, at the end of the training.

Like her, the participants said they had a great interest in this training. They also urged a refresher session to deepen the knowledge acquired.

The secretary general of the provincial section of the Red Cross of Sanmatenga, Ms. Cissé/Kano Safiata, for her part, reassured that the CRBF remains available for retraining sessions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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