Burkina Faso’s Prime Minister Emphasizes Transition’s Support for National Capitalism

Ouagadougou – In a recent meeting with Burkinabè businessmen, Prime Minister Me Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambèla of Burkina Faso clarified that the ongoing governmental reforms are not aimed at undermining the wealthy but are instead focused on fostering national capitalism that benefits the entire population.

According to Burkina Information Agency, During a dinner at his residence on Saturday evening, the Prime Minister reassured attendees that the Transition government does not oppose the rich. According to Prime Minister Kyelem, the goal is to create a prosperous environment where all Burkinabè have the opportunity to thrive economically. He expressed surprise at queries about the Transition’s direction for the country, emphasizing that all actions taken are in the best interest of the Burkinabè people. He cited examples such as bringing the production of decorative medals from France to a local artisan and equipping public administration with computers made by a Burkinabè as steps towards this goal.

Prime Minister Kyelem stressed the importance of promoting “national capitalism” that is inclusive and advantageous for all. He highlighted the Transition’s innovative ideas and the potential for economic operators to provide the necessary funding to support these initiatives. In line with this, he encouraged Burkinabè economic operators to actively participate in the success of the upcoming African Exhibition of Financing, Investment and Innovation for Development (SAFID).

Dr. Ferdinand Ouédraogo, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, outlined that SAFID aims to connect capital holders with project holders and is expected to attract 1,000 participants. While traditional partners like the World Bank and the European Union are welcomed, the emphasis is on national and African investors. The government plans to co-organize this biennial event with the chamber of commerce and other stakeholders.

Idrissa Nassa, the president of the National Employers’ Council of Burkina, assured his support and that of his colleagues. He opined that active involvement by national economic operators would naturally attract foreign investors. Nassa also expressed his anticipation for further discussions with the Prime Minister to delineate the roles of each actor in organizing SAFID.

Prime Minister Kyelem encouraged economic operators to approach his office with any difficulties they believe the government can assist with, underscoring his administration’s commitment to supporting the business community.

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