Burkina Faso’s Budget Arbitration Commission Conducts Mid-Term Review and Prepares Future Budgets

OUAGADOUGOU—The Budget Arbitration Commission of Burkina Faso, led by Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget, Fatoumata Bako/Traoré, has commenced a mid-term review of the 2024 budget execution and is examining preliminary draft budgets for 2025-2027. The review process, which began this week, involves ministers and presidents of institutions, accompanied by their teams, presenting their budget execution reports and future budget projections.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the commission’s work involves assessing the budget execution of each ministry and institution as of June 30, 2024. The commission will also scrutinize the proposed financial programming for the period 2025-2027, making necessary adjustments and arbitrations to align with the government’s fiscal policies and priorities.

This mid-term review and the examination of future budgets are critical steps in the development of the State Budget. The process follows a series of preparatory technical meetings and sets the stage for finalizing the financial plans that will guide the country’s economic management over the coming years.

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