Burkina Faso Youth Participate in Journalistic Writing Workshop in Yendabili

YENDABILI — The General Directorate of Communication and Media (DGCM), in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), hosted a workshop on journalistic writing for 30 high school and college students on August 12 and 13, 2024. This educational event aimed to introduce young students to the fundamentals of journalism and enhance their media production skills.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Deputy Director General of Communication and Media, the workshop is part of a broader initiative to support the ‘Galian Kids’ competition, which recognizes media excellence among students. The training, held in Yendabili, focused on four journalistic genres: the brief, the interview, the report, and the reportage. Kini highlighted that the workshop was designed not only to improve participants’ future competition entries but also to inspire them to consider careers in journalism.

The participants, including Artur Ouôba from the municipal comprehensive high school of Fada N’Gourma and Pascaline Dina Lompo from Diaba Lompo high school, expressed their appreciation for the skills they acquired, which they believe will aid in their aspirations to become journalists. The event, funded by UNICEF, was part of a series of similar trainings conducted across Burkina Faso, with sessions also held in Fada N’Gourma, Gaoua, Ouahigouya, and Kaya earlier in July. Organizers plan to extend this training to all 13 administrative regions of the country to broaden its impact.

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