Burkina Faso Urges EU to Accurately Assess Sahel Situation

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso – Burkina Faso’s top diplomat, Jean Marie Karamoko Traoré, urged the European Union to make a well-informed assessment of the Sahel region’s circumstances during discussions with the EU’s Special Representative to the Sahel on Monday.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Minister Traoré highlighted the need for the EU to avoid initiating actions or taking stances without a proper understanding of the local context, as articulated by the Sahelians themselves. The dialogue focused on ensuring that the EU’s involvement is based on an accurate understanding of the regional dynamics.

Minister Traoré also expressed concern over certain international partners aligning with the NGO Human Right Watch concerning allegations of human rights abuses by military forces in the region. These remarks came during a broader discussion about the Sahel’s security situation and the role of international partnerships.

The meeting also addressed queries from Emanuella Del Re, the EU representative, regarding Burkina Faso’s views on its relationships with neighboring and non-neighboring countries, both within and outside Africa, and its stance on recent allegations of human rights violations.

Minister Traoré reassured the EU representative about the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), describing it as a dynamic organization focused on sovereignty and self-reliance in resolving security issues, while still valuing the support of well-informed international partners.

Del Re acknowledged the insights provided by the Burkinabe foreign minister and affirmed the EU’s commitment to continue supporting the Sahel region, emphasizing the importance of ongoing dialogue to strengthen bilateral relations.

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