Burkina Faso Tightens Data Retention Laws for Electronic Communication Service Providers

OUAGADOUGOU – The Council of Ministers of Burkina Faso, in a session chaired by Captain Ibrahim Traore, the President of the Transition and Head of State, has adopted new regulations concerning the retention of traffic and location data by electronic communication service operators. This decision is part of the government’s efforts to enhance security and regulatory oversight in the digital space.

According to Burkina Information Agency, The spokesperson for the Council, Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo, informed that the decree, a revision of the one adopted in March 2023, is aimed at regulating the conservation of data which can be used for judicial investigations. Dr. Aminata Zerbo/Sabane, representing the Ministry of Digital Transition, Posts, and Electronic Communications, highlighted that the decree specifies the type of information that can be collected and stored. It also sets a time limit for operators to respond to requests from judicial authorities.

Additionally, the Council approved a preliminary draft law on the security of information systems. The law, as explained by the minister, is intended to regulate cyberspace and the activities of service providers involved in securing information systems.

In a related development, the Minister of Urban Planning, Land Affairs, and Housing, Mikaïlou Sidibe, presented an update on urbanization trends in cities within the security and humanitarian context. The Council directed the formation of an interministerial committee to strategize on the reconfiguration of the nation’s territory.

The Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, Dr. Robert Lucien Jean-Claude Kargougou, updated the Council on the current status of the dengue epidemic. He assured that the situation is under control with a declining trend in new cases and fatalities. The Council has directed that necessary resources be provided to health professionals for the effective management of severe cases.

Moreover, the Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts, and Tourism adopted four decrees implementing the April 2021 orientation law. Minister Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo stated that these decrees are crucial for professionalizing the tourism sector and fostering better investment conditions to unlock its potential.

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