Burkina Faso: The “International Thomas Sankara Memorial Committee recognized as being of public utility

The Burkinabè government adopted on Thursday a decree granting the status of recognized association of public utility to the association called “Comité International Memorial Thomas SANKARA”, abbreviated CIM-TS.

“The Council adopted a decree granting the status of association Recognized as a Public Utility to the association called “Comité International Memorial Thomas SANKARA”, abbreviated CIM-TS”, we read in the report of the Council of Ministers of this Thursday. .

According to this report, this recognition of public utility of the CIM-TS complies with law n°064-2015/CNT of October 20, 2015 on freedom of association.

This law stipulates in its article 3 that “the quality of public utility can be granted to any association or union of association provided that the activities of the latter pursue a goal of general interest, in particular in the fields of economic development. , social and cultural of the country or of a specific region”, the document states.

As a reminder, the remains of the father of the Burkinabè revolution, Thomas Sankara and twelve of his companions assassinated in 1987, exhumed for the purposes of the investigation have definitively been reinterred at the Thomas memorial, the place of his assassination at the Ouagadougou Cartel Council. , on February 23, 2023.

The International Memorial Committee Thomas SANKARA is at the initiative of the statue erected in memory of the leader of the Burkinabè Revolution and plans other activities to perpetuate his memory.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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