Burkina Faso: Prices of NPKSB and Urea Fertilizers Decrease for Cotton Farmers

OUAGADOUGOU, The prices of 50 kg bags of urea fertilizer and NPKSB, which sold for around 27,000 FCFA last year, are now sold at 17,290 FCFA for cash purchases, announced the Executive Secretary of the Interprofessional Cotton Association of Burkina (AICB), Sinou Idrissa, on Tuesday.

According to Burkina Information Agency, “The prices of NPKSB fertilizers and urea are at 17,290 FCFA per 50 kg bag in cash,” with a credit price of 18,500 FCFA per bag. The government and its agricultural partners have decided to significantly reduce the sale prices of inputs dedicated to the cultivation of conventional cotton. This reduction, made public by the AICB on June 12, concerns NPKSB compound fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, urea, which are now sold on credit at the price of 18,500 FCFA per 50 kg bag, instead of 25,000 FCFA and 27,000 FCFA, respectively, in 2023.

Compared to the previous campaign, the credit transfer prices of revised fertilizers fell by 34% for NPKSB and 42% for urea. Idrissa noted that these prices were achieved thanks to the intervention of the Head of State, who instructed cotton companies to make the price of inputs more accessible to cotton producers. This level of subsidized prices induces an additional subsidy of around 27 billion FCFA that cotton companies will have to bear.

As a reminder, the State has granted, under this 2024/2025 cotton campaign, a subsidy of 10.979 billion FCFA to the cotton sector to help curb the problem of price accessibility for agricultural inputs to cotton producers. The AICB also contributed 1.456 billion FCFA, for a total subsidy amount of 12.435 billion FCFA.

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