Burkina Faso Parliament President Urges Effective Implementation of New Mining Laws

OUAGADOUGOU — Following the recent adoption of new legislation concerning the mining code and local content, Dr. Ousmane Bougouma, the president of the Transitional Legislative Assembly, has called on the government to ensure these laws are fully implemented. In an interview with the national newspaper Sidwaya, Dr. Bougouma emphasized the necessity for organized efforts and state involvement in the mining sector.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Dr. Bougouma highlighted the challenges ahead in bringing the Mining Code and the law on local content to life. “Mr. Minister, we have just adopted the Mining Code and the law on local content in mining matters. There remains the challenge of their implementation,” he stated, pointing out that while the new legislation imposes numerous obligations on mining companies, it specifies fewer duties for the state itself.

Dr. Bougouma criticized the state’s lack of organization and weak participation in managing industry stakeholders, which he believes hinders them from gaining maximum benefits from the mining sector. To address this, he suggested the creation of a stock exchange for mining orders, which would centralize and publicize orders from mining companies, thereby facilitating access for the local private sector.

Furthermore, the Parliament President called for the state to commit to rigorous monitoring to ensure that the local content law does not become ineffectual. He stressed the importance of not letting the private sector fail to extract maximum dividends from the mining industry in the next 5 to 10 years.

Dr. Bougouma also addressed the conditions of national workers in the mining sector, noting their need for better remuneration and training. He proposed identifying skilled workers, offering them international training with clear contracts stipulating their return, to help develop a talent pool capable of sustaining the industry in the coming decades.

Dr. Bougouma’s recommendations underscore the dynamic nature of the mining sector and the need for continuous dialogue to address ongoing concerns within the industry, ensuring that legislative changes lead to real, beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

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