Burkina Faso Hosts Conference on Neocolonialism’s Impact in AfricaKakuma Municipality Manager Appointment Underway by Turkana County Government

Ouagadougou – A significant international conference analyzing the impact of neocolonialism on African development took place in Burkina Faso, focusing on its economic, social, and cultural effects. This event, organized by the Africa Initiative Association under the Burkina-Russia partnership, aimed to shed light on the multifaceted influences of neocolonialism in Africa and Eurasia.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the event was themed “Impact of Neocolonialism: Economic, Social and Cultural Policies on African Countries (with an emphasis on Burkina Faso) and the Countries of Eurasia.” It provided a platform for experts to discuss the negative consequences of neocolonialism on Africa’s development and to explore new dynamics in the continent’s partnerships, especially with Russia.

Soumaïla Ayo Azenwo, president of the Africa Initiative Association, emphasized the conference’s goal to challenge prevailing mindsets and prepare the younger generation to combat neocolonial influences. Professor DA B. Leon highlighted the crucial role of cultural and customary values in development, advocating for the preservation of African cultures as a foundation for progress.

Dr. Hyacinthe Ouédraogo discussed the detrimental effects of neocolonialism on African economies, calling for its eradication to reclaim Africa’s true identity and spur economic growth. Dr. DV SURJIK, speaking via video conference, presented Russia’s global partnerships, underscoring the nation’s respect for sovereignty and reliability as a partner. He pointed out that Russia’s economy is largely self-sufficient, producing most of its consumed goods.

Adama Amadé Siguiré addressed the political impacts of neocolonialism, criticizing the imposition of foreign policies like democracy, which he argued are misaligned with African contexts. He advocated for policies inspired by African realities, based on an endogenous political framework.

Dr. Boukary Nebié explored the cultural and societal impacts of neocolonialism, likening it to a violation of African society’s integrity, leaving behind an inferiority complex. He stressed the importance of upholding deeply rooted cultural values as a defense against external influences.

The conference attracted active participation and sparked intense discussions among attendees, fostering a dynamic dialogue on the critical issues of neocolonialism and its far-reaching effects on both African and Eurasian nations.

KAKUMA – The Turkana County Government is currently finalizing the appointment of a Municipality Manager for Kakuma, following its recent elevation to Municipality status.

According to Kenya News Agency, the Turkana West Sub County Environment Officer, this development was announced amid a town cleaning and sanitization initiative. Victor emphasized the importance of waste management as a key factor in ensuring public health and safety. He urged Kakuma residents and business owners to adhere to proper waste disposal methods and to report any instances of indiscriminate dumping.

The town of Kakuma recently witnessed a significant turnout of residents participating in a cleanup exercise. This initiative, organized by the county government’s directorates of environment and public health, received support from Peace Winds Japan (PWJ), Volunteer Services Overseas (VSO), and Kakuma Usafi Group (KUG). This cleanup event in Kakuma comes on the heels of a similar effort in Lodwar, which was spearheaded by Phoebe Ekal, the County Director for Environment.

In addition to these cleanup efforts, the county has been actively engaging in consultations to establish integrated waste management infrastructure. This infrastructure is intended to benefit both the local community and the refugee populations in the area. Consultations have been conducted with various stakeholders, including the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), UN Habitat, state agencies, civil society organizations, and the association of professionals.

The recent cleanup event in Kakuma was attended by several key figures, including public health officers Leylac Minayo, Joshua Chesang, Hassan, environment officer Raphael Locham, Gabrielle Lotoom from VSO, and Hussein Losiakou.

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