Burkina Faso Halts Shea Nut Exports to Boost Local Industry

OUAGADOUGOU – In a significant move to support domestic industries, Burkina Faso has announced a temporary suspension of shea nut exports across the nation, aiming to reserve more raw materials for local processing units.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the joint statement issued by the ministries in charge of Trade and Finance on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, marks a pivotal shift in policy. “Economic operators and the population are hereby informed of the suspension of the export of shea nuts throughout the national territory until further notice, effective from the date of signing of this press release,” the ministries detailed in their announcement.

The primary goal of this suspension is to ensure the availability of shea almonds, which are crucial raw materials for the country’s industrial processing units. The statement further noted that the issuance of Special Export Authorizations (ASE) for shea nuts is also put on hold. This measure underscores a strategic approach to enhance the value-added processing within Burkina Faso, potentially increasing the economic benefits derived from this local resource.

The ministries have issued a stern warning against any violations of this new regulation, stating that non-compliance would result in sanctions in accordance with existing laws. To facilitate the enforcement of this suspension, the statement includes contact information for reporting violations, listing several toll-free numbers available to the public.

This temporary suspension of shea nut exports reflects a broader effort by Burkina Faso to strengthen its domestic industries and reduce reliance on raw exports by promoting more finished goods and creating jobs within the country.

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