Burkina Faso Focuses on Road Rehabilitation and Regional Solidarity in Response to Terrorism

OUAGADOUGOU—Burkinabe daily newspapers on Tuesday covered significant developments concerning both regional solidarity in the face of terrorism and infrastructure improvements. The focus was on the rehabilitation of critical roadways connecting Bobo-Dioulasso to Banfora and the border of Côte d’Ivoire, as well as the support from neighboring countries following a terrorist attack in Barsalogho.

According to the Burkina Information Agency, officials from Mali and Niger expressed their solidarity with Burkina Faso following the August 24 terrorist attack in Barsalogho. The meeting, led by Colonel Abdoulaye Maïga, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization of Mali, and General Mohamed Toumba, Minister of the Interior of Niger, conveyed the condolences and support of their nations and the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) to the President of Faso and the Burkinabe people. The discussions underscored a regional commitment to combating terrorism and reinforcing morale among the civilian populations affected.

The newspapers also highlighted major infrastructure projects, with Sidwaya reporting on the authorization of funding for the rehabilitation of the roads from Bobo-Dioulasso to the Ivorian border and from Banfora to Orodara. These projects, which are part of the Program for the Rehabilitation of the Bobo-Banfora-Ivory Coast Border and Banfora-Orodara Roads (PRéBBO), involve substantial investment with costs amounting to 152.7 billion and 115 billion CFA francs, respectively. L’Observateur Paalga emphasized the strategic importance of these developments in enhancing regional connectivity, facilitating trade, and improving the transportation of agro-sylvo-pastoral and mining products within and beyond the sub-region.

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