Burkina Faso Association Provides Livestock to Boost Local Economies

KAYA, Burkina Faso — In an effort to bolster the local economy and improve the livelihoods of vulnerable households, the association Supporting the emergence and promotion of the local economy in Africa (SEVE-Africa), together with the NGO Oxfam, distributed 332 breeding animals to 83 households in Kaya, Center-North region.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the initiative took place on Monday and was part of a project aimed at enhancing food and nutritional security in the area. This event marks the first phase of the broader initiative titled ‘Strengthening the resilience and social cohesion of populations affected by crises and the impacts of climate change in the Center-North region’. The handover ceremony was overseen by Daouda Kiemdé, the provincial director responsible for livestock in Sanmatenga.

Faustin Kambiré, the Project Manager, stated that the primary goal of the donation was to replenish the livestock populations of internally displaced persons who had lost animals, thereby restoring their primary means of subsistence. The selection process involved community targeting committees that assessed vulnerability across 15 villages and five sectors of Kaya. Each committee, comprising 10 local members, focused on selecting households with at least six dependents, prioritizing those led by women, those with disabled members, and those owning few small ruminants.

Each chosen household received four sheep (one male and three females), along with 100 kilograms of improved feed, feeders, drinkers, and licking stones. Beneficiaries, including Sawadogo Marguerite from the village of Koulgo and Bamogo Habibou from the province, expressed gratitude, noting the significant positive impact on their family economies and emphasizing the importance of this support for educational expenses.

The project is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

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