Burkina: Exchange president / gendarmes, recruitment and costumes of judicial actors, on the menu of daily newspapers

This Friday’s Burkinabè dailies talk about the transformation into traditional cotton of the costumes of judicial actors, the recruitment of 2,400 young people for the National Service for Development (SND), without forgetting the exchange between the Head of State and the staff of the National Gendarmerie.

The public daily Sidwaya sports on its headline an extract from the declaration of the Head of State, Ibrahim Traoré to the staff of the gendarmerie, yesterday Thursday when he said: “Let’s work to recover our territory”.

The newspaper reports that the president of the Transition congratulated and encouraged the national gendarmerie for the work done and for the fight that is currently taking place on the ground.

According to Sidwaya, President Traoré welcomed the initiatives developed by the National Gendarmerie to take care of the widows and orphans of fallen soldiers.

In the same vein, the dean of private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, informs that, according to the Chief of Staff of the Gendarmerie, Lieutenant-Colonel Evrard Somda, this meeting with the Head of State was an opportunity for the personnel of the gendarmerie to collect orientations and to translate their engagement in the fight against terrorism.

For its part, the private daily Le Pays indicates that for the Head of State, “we must leave corporatist ideas and move forward in the war for the recovery of our territory”.

Referring to the lifting of the 79th promotion of conscripts from the National Service for Development (SND), Today in Faso, a private daily, mentions: “SND: 2,400 conscripts volunteers for the 2023 vintage”.

In this regard, Sidwaya displays: 79th promotion of SND conscripts: The Prime Minister is launching the recruitment of 2,400 young people”.

The colleague notes that the Prime Minister, Appolinaire Joachimson Kyèlem de Tambela launched, yesterday Thursday June 15 in Tenkodogo, the raising of the 79th promotion of the National Service for Development (SND) conscripts.

Sidwaya explains that the 2,400 called volunteers will be divided between 1,700 to support public administration, 600 to train in trades and 100 young people to support firefighters in protection.

He adds that by addressing the candidates of this 79th promotion of the SND, the head of government indicated that the youth is the nursery of the country.

Under another chapter, the national daily informs that the actors of the Burkinabè justice world reflect on the implementation of the government decision relating to the making of togas in Faso Dafani.

On this subject, the dean of the private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga lets read: “Port Faso Dan Fani by the judicial actors: The hearing is open”.

According to the newspaper, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights organized, on June 15, 2023, in Ouagadougou, a workshop to reflect on the use of Faso dan fani for the making of courtroom costumes for judicial actors.

He indicates that the objective of the meeting is to define and agree on the qualitative characteristics of the toga of the various judicial actors in Faso dan fani and to collect the observations and relevant amendments of the participants on the project.

The same source recalls that the vision of the government of the Transition is to engage the populations in an active participation in the promotion of Burkinabè culture through endogenous production.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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