Burkina/Digital: A competition to detect young talents in dematerialization procedures

The ministry in charge of the Digital Transition officially launched the 8th edition of the GENIE TIC competition, a competition to reward young talents proposing solutions on the dematerialization of administrative procedures in Burkina Faso.

‘The GENIE TIC competition is an activity of the Digital Industry Department and aims to arouse among young people the enthusiasm for creating platforms that meet the needs of our administrations, our businesses and our citizens,’ declared the Director General (DG) of digital transformation, Ferdinand Yougbaré.

According to him, the competition aims to encourage innovative entrepreneurship by taking digital into account in priority areas of development in Burkina Faso.

Mr. Yougbaré was in Ouagadougou on Tuesday, in front of journalists for the launch of the 8th edition of the GENIE TIC competition.

He explained that the 8th edition of the competition aims to contribute to the dematerialization of administrative procedures in Burkina Faso.

According to him, thes
e are road traffic accident management platforms, electronic voting in the Transitional Legislative Assembly, livestock monitoring on the national territory, the visit to the Laongo site and energy rationalization. in administrative buildings.

‘The themes in competition are determined at each edition of the competition by the Ministry in charge of digital transition,’ said Ferdinand Yougbaré.

The CEO stressed that the winners of the GENIE TIC competition since its creation have been monitored by the supervisory ministry, in order to ensure the maturity of their projects.

‘Participation in the Génie TIC Competition is open to any natural person of Burkinabè nationality, residing or not in Burkina Faso, and to any person of foreign nationality residing in Burkina Faso and aged forty (40) years maximum on December 31, 2023’ , he continued.

In his opinion, any application must include at least one woman in the team and the project presented by the candidate must be the result of his own research and/or innova

He also indicated that registration is done online and that for this 8th edition in 2023, each winner will receive the sum of three million FCFA.

‘Incentive prizes worth five hundred thousand FCFA will be awarded to possible non-winning finalists for each procedure,’ added Mr. Yougbaré.

Note that the 2021 edition saw the distinction of ambitious project ideas such as that of the Intelligent Traffic Light System (ITS).

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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