Burkina: At least forty terrorists killed and 33 soldiers fallen in Ougarou (army)


“The military detachment of Ougarou (Gourma Province, Eastern Region) faced a large complex attack on the morning of Thursday, April 27, 2023.

During the fighting, which was particularly intense, the soldiers of the detachment showed remarkable determination in the face of an enemy who came in large numbers.

They thus succeeded in neutralizing at least forty (40) terrorists before the arrival of the reinforcements Thirty-three (33) of our soldiers unfortunately fell the weapons in the hand while twelve (12) others were wounded.

The deployment of reinforcements made it possible to evacuate the wounded who are currently being cared for by the health services.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces salutes the memory of the soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice in the performance of their duty and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.

It encourages all the units engaged in the operations to maintain efforts in order to strengthen the ongoing recovery dynamic.

Source: Burkina Information Agency