Burkina Association Launches Project on Citizenship Education and Social Cohesion

OUAGADOUGOU – The Association for Religious Tolerance and Intercommunity Dialogue (ATR/DI) initiated a comprehensive project this Saturday morning aimed at enhancing citizenship education and social cohesion among traditional, customary, and religious leaders across Burkina Faso’s thirteen regions.

According to Burkina Information Agency, president of ATR/DI, the project seeks to build on the existing knowledge of these community leaders who already play a vital role in fostering concepts of good citizenship and social cohesion daily. Sourwema noted the project’s intent to integrate modern scientific and technical understandings into traditional approaches. “All knowledge has limits, we will contribute through the project to add to their knowledge what modern sciences and techniques have in terms of understanding these concepts,” he explained.

The project, which is part of the larger ‘Civic Space’ initiative led by a consortium of civil society organizations including the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), also aims to develop new conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms that synthesize traditional, Christian, and Muslim practices. After the initial launch, the ATR/DI is set to begin implementing the project in Bobo-Dioulasso, starting from August 1 to 8. This phase will include two major activities; a training session for 30 members from the association across the country, and a capacity-building program for students at Nazi Boni University focusing on combating violent extremism and promoting social cohesion.

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