Burkina: Any construction project deserves to be monitored by an architect, president of the Order of Architects

The president of the Order of Architects of Burkina Faso, Yaya Bocoum Ada Jidado Nakié, affirmed that any construction project deserves to be monitored by an architect to build secure structures and avoid possible losses.

‘Every construction project deserves an architect and there are enough architects for each citizen to undertake their project with an architect at their side,’ declared the president of the Order of Architects of Burkina Faso, Yaya Bocoum Ada Jidado Nakié .

She explained that it is common to hear Burkinabè people say out of ignorance that the architect is expensive and only works for large constructions.

However, she reassures, the architect is remunerated on the basis of fees indexed to the complexity and cost of the work.

She maintained that hiring the services of an architect means securing your investment and also saving money.

‘It is necessary to be accompanied by a professional in the act of building for a secure work that respects standards to avoid losing by looking for shor
tcuts or the least expensive,’ advises Yaya Bocoum Ada Jidado Nakié.

Ms. Nakié spoke to the AIB, on the occasion of the architect’s day.

‘Resilient urban economies: cities as engines of growth and recovery’ is the theme chosen at the global level, while at the national level, we have: ‘Architecture for resilient communities’.

‘The work of the architect is essential to create functional, aesthetic and sustainable living spaces’ underlined Yaya Ada Bocoum

Because ‘the city is a system, a business, and does us a service if we take it as such. We all need to act to make this system work properly,’ she says.

According to Madame Nakié, we therefore need ‘structuring’ equipment but also the involvement of citizens in urban development projects to make cities levers of development.

Yaya Ada Bocoum congratulated her colleagues and invited them to stay the course to transform Burkina Faso

‘Let’s continue to dig, think and build bricks to transform our cities and the life of our communities,’ she concluded.

As a
reminder, the architect intervenes in several areas such as education, design, real estate expertise and the construction of living spaces.

He also provides investment advice, participation in the definition of housing policies and many others.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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