Burkina: Agriculture and sport on the menu of Burkinabe dailies

Burkinabè newspapers in their publications this Wednesday deal with the establishment of the Tour du Faso committee and the production of improved rice.

The public daily Sidwaya headlines: “Improved rice production: These Amazons who are pushing back against food insecurity”.

The newspaper informs that in the developed lowlands and/or on the irrigated areas of Bama, in the Hauts Bassins, and Mogtédo, in the Central Plateau, women are brilliantly excelling in rice cultivation.

Thanks to rice seeds developed by Burkinabè researchers, the other half of the sky is helping to push back the limits of hunger in the land of honest men.

Sidwaya adds that in Burkina Faso, rice cultivation is the prerogative of women. Like Kadi and Afsétou, many women have bet on the production of improved rice seeds in the lowlands and irrigated areas of Burkina Faso. And, it’s a winning bet.

The newspaper reports that lady Ouédraogo who practices rice growing expects to harvest at least five and a half tons per hectare. The cost of rice per kilogram is estimated between 600 and 1500 FCFA.

Still in agriculture, the dean of the private dailies, L’Observateur Paalga, has on its headline: “Internally displaced persons: In the footsteps of these resilient arms”.

According to the newspaper, Ousmane Sarba, internally displaced, says that they left their village at the end of last April because of the threat of terrorism and that there are about 400 of them and that it is the first time in his life that he has not worked. not in his field at this time.

He adds that a stone’s throw away, a team of about fifteen women sows beans for a landowner for a fee. Nothing stops them, not even the crying of babies lying under a shea tree that serves as a nursery.

From another angle, the public daily Sidwaya displays on its front page: “Tour du Faso: The Organizing Committee for the 34th edition installed”.

The state daily reports that the Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment, Boubacar Savadogo, installed, yesterday Tuesday August 29, 2023, the National Organizing Committee for the 34th edition of the Tour du Faso scheduled to take place from October 27 to November 5.

The newspaper specifies that the battle for the succession of the German Daniel Bichlmann, winner of the last edition in 2021, will take place across the arteries of 7 regions of Burkina Faso and over a distance of more than 1900km.

He adds that the organizing committee is made up of the supervision unit, the presidency and the commissions. The minister in charge of sports heads the supervision.

On the same subject, the private newspaper L’Express du Faso displays: “Tour du Faso 2023: The organizing committee officially installed”.

The newspaper informs that the Minister of Sports, Youth and Employment insisted that this Tour du Faso 2023 must be done without debt and also invited partners who are still hesitant to trust the organizing committee.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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