Burkina: After 21 years of operation, the Court of Auditors opens its doors to the general public

The first president of the Court of Auditors, Latin Poda launched, this Wednesday, open days of his structure after 21 years of operation for the benefit of the general public.

“This is an opportunity for the Court to give all citizens the opportunity to interact, share knowledge and exchange ideas on how to further improve our financial management system,” said the first president of the Court of Auditors, Latin Poda.

According to him, these days will allow the higher jurisdiction of control of public finances to commune with the litigants and to recall their essential role in the judicial system.

Latin Poda spoke on Wednesday in Ouagadougou during the launching ceremony of the open days of the Court of Auditors of Burkina Faso under the presidency of the Minister in charge of justice.

These open days are held under the theme “role and place of the Court of Auditors in the management of public funds in Burkina Faso”.

Mr. Poda said that transparency and accountability are essential elements to promote the economic and social development of the country.

Latin Poda spoke on Wednesday in Ouagadougou during the launching ceremony of the open days of the Court of Auditors of Burkina Faso under the presidency of the Minister in charge of justice.

These open days are held under the theme “role and place of the Court of Auditors in the management of public funds in Burkina Faso”.

Mr. Poda said that transparency and accountability are essential elements to promote the economic and social development of the country.

The spokesman for the former presidents of the Court of Auditors of Burkina Faso, Pierre Nebié encouraged the members of the institution to remain faithful to the principles on which the exercise of their missions is based and to “play their role as guardians of the funds public with integrity, impartiality and professionalism”.

Mr. Nebié also pointed out that in the current context, marked by major economic and social challenges, it is imperative to strengthen the commitment to transparency and financial accountability.

During the ceremony, several former officials of the Court of Auditors of Burkina Faso saw their efforts rewarded with trophies.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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