Burkina: A modern park will be erected to the tune of 5 billion FCFA to increase the cultural offer

The government officially launched Thursday the construction works of the national museum’s leisure park, for a total amount of 5 billion FCFA to increase the cultural offer and promote tourism.

According to the representative of the Head of Government, the Minister of National Defense and Veterans Affairs, Colonel-Major, Kassoum Coulibaly, the State of Burkina Faso gives culture a prominent place in public policy.

Mr. Coulibaly who was speaking Thursday in Ouagadougou, on the occasion of the laying of the first stone of construction of a leisure park, of the national museum, estimated at 5 billion FCFA, specified that the initiative of the authorities consists in contributing to the dynamic and sustainable structuring of the economy .

For him, the State wants to promote culture and tourism, through the construction of a modern leisure park and at the same time create jobs for the benefit of young people.

Colonel-Major Kassoum Coulibaly, who is also Minister of State, stressed that the construction project is carried out by a Burkinabè company under private law.

He urged public structures and their branches to initiate structuring projects in partnership with the private sector.

“The promoter needed patience, conviction and commitment to overcome the administrative difficulties. Thank God, this evening we are witnessing the laying of the first stone of the national museum’s leisure park, ”he said.

The Minister of Communication, Culture, Arts and Tourism, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, for his part, indicated that the launch of the work of the leisure park is the culmination of a project which had been in preparation for several years.

According to him, his department is satisfied with the next realization of the new jewel which will constitute a park of relaxation and leisures.

Mr. Ouédraogo assured that this recreational setting will bring a new perspective for the national museum.

“The national museum is going through difficult times and we believe that the realization of this project will not only meet a need of the citizens of Burkina Faso, in general, but of Ouagadougou, in particular in terms of leisure and above all improve the financial resources of the museum, “he said.

The promoter of the project, Mathieu Ouédraogo, a compatriot living in Morocco, said that the idea of building a leisure park came from an observation on the premises of the national museum, during his stay in 2017 in Ouagadougou.

According to Mr. Ouédraogo, his project estimated at 5 billion FCFA aims to give a new face to the national museum by increasing the reception offer on the site.

He specified that the said project will consist of the construction of an integrated tourist complex of a modern covered amusement park on 4500 m2, a restaurant with a capacity of 350 places, a swimming pool, a water park, and a museum of more than 600 seats.

Created in 1962, the national museum with an area of 29 ha has the mission of collecting, preserving and promoting Burkinabè goods and heritage.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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