Bungoma Governor Launches Major Mosquito Net Distribution to Fight Malaria

BUNGOMA – In a significant public health initiative, Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka has initiated the distribution of 1.27 million treated mosquito nets aimed at combating the malaria outbreak in the region. The campaign, which started at Makhonge Dispensary in Kamukuywa, Kimilili constituency, seeks to provide essential protection to over 250,000 residents across Kimilili Sub County.

According to Kenya News Agency, the distribution is part of a broader effort to prioritize health and mitigate the impact of malaria, a leading cause of death in the area. The five-day distribution event began with the handing out of approximately 143,000 mosquito nets. Lusaka emphasized the importance of properly using and maintaining these nets to maximize their effectiveness against the disease.

The governor’s call to action underscores the urgency of improving public health measures in Bungoma County, where malaria remains a critical challenge. The initiative not only aims to reduce the incidence of malaria but also educates the community on the importance of using treated nets as a preventive measure.

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