Boureima Namena appointed general administrator of Sank Business (Press release)

“The general administration of Sank Business informs its customers and partners that following the transfer of 80% of the shares to the new shareholder, a general meeting, subject of a notice of meeting published in the newspaper “Le Pays” No. 7893 of 08/23/2023, was held on Friday September 8, 2023 at the company’s head office located in Ouaga 2000.

The general meeting recorded the modification of the company’s statutes and the change of management following the transfer of 80% of the capital by Mr. KHABORE Wendemi Jules Kader in favor of Mr. NAMENA Boureima.

It should be remembered that this transfer of 80% shares took place on February 24, 2023 before the notary office Maître Seydou BALAMA located at the Ouagadougou residence, 4.42, Rue du commerce, Koulouba.

Consequently and by virtue of the general meeting, Mr. NAMENA Boureima, majority shareholder, is appointed General Administrator of the company SANK BUSINESS.

The General Administration of Sank Business » .

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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