Boulsa: Nationals of Namentenga in Ivory Coast demonstrate their solidarity with displaced persons

The High Commissioner of Namentenga province, Adama Conseiga, presided over the food handover ceremony, on March 28, 2023 in Boulsa, by a mission of Namentenga nationals living in Côte d’Ivoire as support for internally displaced persons (IDPs).

The donation of food from Namentenga nationals living in Côte d’Ivoire in favor of (IDPs) consisted of 3 tonnes of rice or 120 bags of 25 kg, delivered immediately to 240 people from 35 households.

“It is in the face of the difficulties that our parents are experiencing in the face of the terrorist hydra that we have initiated the collection of donations to help and encourage them,” said Moussa Ima and Talato Augustin Kafando among other members of the mission. .

The mission went to the palace of the Canton Chief of Boulsa before going to the President of the Provincial Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (COPROSUR) of Namentenga.

The High Commissioner of the province of Namentenga thanked the mission for its gesture of solidarity and fraternity shown towards the IDPs.

He recalled that the will of the President of Faso is to see in a short time the return of the IDPs to their respective villages to begin the agricultural campaign which is announced.

Adama Conseiga asked the mission to convey its gratitude, that of Naba Sonré de Boulsa and the IDPs, to the members of the mission who remained in Côte d’Ivoire.

Pamoussa Koulbiguian, happy beneficiary, warmly thanked the Ivory Coast mission, the government and its partners for their efforts on their behalf

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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