Bouden calls for revision of legal framework for strategic stockpiling of medicines

Prime Minister Najla Bouden has called for a revision of the legal framework governing the strategic stockpiling of medicines and medical equipment, taking into account the different types of medicines and their availability on the market, whether through local production or import.

At a ministerial working meeting held at the Government Palace in the Kasbah on Tuesday, the Prime Minister called on all stakeholders to develop a strategy for the medicine sector and to hold a second meeting within a month.

During the meeting, Bouden stressed the importance of good governance in the management of medicines through the establishment of the National Medicines Agency to speed up the process of obtaining marketing authorisations.

The meeting discussed proposals concerning the restructuring of the pharmaceutical sector and market supply as the safety of medicines.

It also looked at ways to strengthen the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry through the promotion of local manufacturing and seeking international partnerships capable of enhancing innovation, technology transfer and exports.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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