Bogandé Church Community Provides Food Aid to Internally Displaced Persons


Bogandé, Burkina Faso – The central SIM church in Bogandé demonstrated their commitment to supporting Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and vulnerable individuals by donating food on Monday, November 6, 2023. The church community’s act of generosity was coordinated in the presence of social action services.

According to Burkina Information Agency, this is the second time the central SIM church in Bogandé has stepped up to assist IDPs and vulnerable people in the area. Following their initial donation in 2022, church members distributed 5 tons of food, primarily corn, to the IDPs in the commune of Bogandé.

David Lankoandé, the president of the church committee for the support of IDPs, highlighted that the food was acquired through contributions from the faithful and purchased from SONAGESS. He stressed the church’s commitment to helping those in need in their community.

The pastor of the church, André Lankoandé, conveyed a message of hope and solidarity to the recipients, referencing the teachings of Jesus Christ and expressing his prayers for peace and relief from suffering in Burkina Faso. The social action services representative expressed gratitude to the donors for their solidarity and encouraged others to join in supporting the IDPs.