Bizerte: Significant improvement in dams’ filling rate

The recent rains in the region have contributed to a significant improvement in the general situation of filling dams and hydraulic works, Head of the Regional Water Council and governor of Bizerte, Samir Abdellaoui, told TAP Agency on Wednesday

During a working visit made on Wednesday to a number of hydraulic facilities and dams in the region, Abdellaoui said that the general situation of dams intended for the supply of drinking water, “is in clear improvement, given the climatic conditions.

To this effect, the governor said that the dams “El Harka” and “Kamkoum” in Sejnane have shown a filling rate of 100%, while this rate has been established at 61% at the dam “Sejnane”.

The governorate of Bizerte has 9 dams and mountain lakes, and the technical works related to the construction of new hydraulic work in the region have reached a progress rate of 95%.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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