Bittou: 1st edition of the certification exam for apprentice hairdressers and tattoo artists

17 apprentice hairdressers and tattoo artists successfully passed an end-of-training exam at the Bittou women’s house on June 15 and 16, 2023, organized by the Nong-taaba hairstyle Association.

4 apprentice hairdressers and 13 tattoo apprentices underwent an end-of-training exam on June 15 and 16, 2023 at the Bittou woman’s house. The evaluation took place only on practice.

The hairdressers composed on two subjects, namely the mat and the plating.

On the other hand, the tattoo artists composed in collage and in tattoo.

At the end of the examination, all the candidates declared admitted. Each received a certificate of completion and the first three received prizes in kind and in cash.

For this first exam organized by the Association Nong-taaba Coiffure de Bittou, the Basic Education District of Bittou accompanied it in the practical organization.

The president of the Association, Moumouni Sana said he was satisfied and promised to meet the challenges in the years to come.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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