Beninese Artist Thierry Oussou Advocates for Unity through Art in Burkina Faso

Ziniaré – Thierry Oussou, a conceptual artist from Benin, currently residing in Amsterdam, Netherlands, recently showcased his artworks created during a three-week stay at the Opéra village near Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. His works, rich in symbolism, promote themes of unity and solidarity.

According to Burkina Information Agency, Oussou’s artistic creations were produced in collaboration with students at the Opéra village in Ziniaré, a locality about thirty kilometers northeast of Ouagadougou. His artworks, which include drawings, weavings, and pottery, emphasize the importance of solidarity and sacred union to address contemporary challenges. Oussou drew inspiration from the texts of Burkinabè Sidiki Yougbaré for his projects in the village.

During the presentation of his work, Oussou showcased several notable pieces. These included a bronze hippopotamus, a jar with holes that symbolize unity when the holes are covered by hands, and Faso Danfani farcloths featuring multicolored patterns. He also displayed t-shirts with messages supportive of the ongoing transition in Burkina Faso. Additionally, a shed constructed from millet stalks, signifying union and solidarity, was part of his exhibition.

The artist emphasized that the central theme of his art is the pursuit of social cohesion, understanding, and fraternity towards a fair and equitable world. His selection for this project came through a call for applications, allowing him to create these masterpieces at the Opéra village of Ziniaré.

Oussou shared that his work is deeply influenced by his surroundings. He mentioned observing local practices such as men drinking dolo in hangars and the movements of gourds in cabarets, which inspired aspects of his art. He stressed the importance of his role as an African artist in creating works that reflect the zeitgeist of his era.

Thierry Oussou’s exhibition in Ziniaré stands as a testament to the power of art in conveying messages of unity and solidarity, particularly in times of significant societal change.

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