Bazèga: The Saint Martin DE PORRÈS university hospital center soon a reality in Gana


Kombissiri, The Prime Minister, Maître Apollinaire Kyelem de Tambela, proceeded on Saturday October 14, 2023 in Gana, to the laying of the first stone for the construction of the Saint Martin DE PORRÈS university hospital center (CHU), within from the Saint Dominic University of West Africa (USDAO), in the rural commune of Doulougou, Bazèga province.

The Saint Dominic University of West Africa (USDAO), as part of the realization of its projects in collaboration with its partners, foresees the construction of the future University Hospital Center (CHU), Saint Martin DE PORRÈS.

The laying of the first stone was carried out by Prime Minister Maître Apollinaire Kyelem of Tambela, on Saturday October 14, 2023 in Gana, in the presence of the population and several authorities including members of the Government.

The Archbishop of Ouagadougou, Cardinal Philippe Ouédraogo, proceeded to bless the premises.

According to the USDAO projects manager, Doctor André Sawadogo, the construction of the CHU called Saint
Martin DE PORRÈS will ultimately cost 46 billion CFA francs, including land, infrastructure and equipment.

‘The first CHU works will be available and functional in 2024,’ he said.

The Prime Minister, on behalf of the President of Faso, expressed the gratitude of Burkina Faso to the family church of Burkina Faso, to the order of preachers of the vice province of Saint Augustin in West Africa, for this hospital complex university.

Master Apollinaire Kyelem of Tambela promised the asphalting of the road leading to the university.

USDAO opened its doors in October 2018 and to date has nearly a thousand students from several African countries.

With programs offered in the Bachelor-Master-Doctorate (LMD) format, in accordance with the requirements of CAMES and higher education management institutions in the ECOWAS region, the already functional sectors are health sciences, nursing and midwifery, technology and legal, policy and administration

Source: Burkina Information Agency