Bazèga Records 85.46% Success Rate in 2024 CEP Examinations

BAZÈGA – The province of Bazèga has reported an overall success rate of 85.46% in the 2024 Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP) examinations, a culmination of efforts across its eight districts.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the provincial director of preschool, primary, and non-formal education, the results were made known after the exams commenced on June 4. A total of 7,003 candidates participated, with 5,985 achieving passing marks. This year’s performance was hailed as a collective achievement attributed to the hard work of educational stakeholders throughout the school year. The director extended his congratulations to all participants and contributors to this educational success. District-wise, success rates varied, with Ipelcé achieving the highest at 98.74%, while Doulougou recorded the lowest at 79.91%. Other districts such as Gaongo and Kayao also posted high pass rates of 93.56% and 86.52%, respectively.

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