Bazèga: More than 200 students and teachers from Gana sensitized to the hygienic management of menses

The Burkinabè coalition for women’s rights (CBDF) raised awareness on Saturday March 18, 2023 in Gana in the commune of Doulougou, more than 200 students and teachers on the economic empowerment of young girls through the management menstrual hygiene.

As part of the execution of its “Paga Viim” project, the Burkinabè coalition for women’s rights (CBDF) initiated an awareness-raising activity for the benefit of young girls and teachers in the village of Gana in the rural commune of Doulougou.

This activity, according to the CBDF coordinator, Mrs. Issiatou Sawadogo, aims to help students better manage their periods hygienically and strengthen their education.

“We started from the observation that girls are unable to manage their periods and are sometimes forced to drop out of school,” she said.

They are 200 girls from the high school and the primary school of the village to benefit from this sensitization session carried out in two stages.

Indeed, a first group made up of 15 teachers and about ten students, including 2 in primary school identified as ambassadors, discussed with the CBDF mission on the issue of menstruation management, in particular on the definition of menstruation, the use and care of washable sanitary napkins and how to dispose of them after a maximum of 6 months of use.

These student ambassadors are in turn invited to relay the information received to their classmates.

Sensitized teachers are now invited to be more attentive to the issue in order to better support their students who encounter difficulties during their menstrual cycles.

The other phase of awareness-raising concerned the large group of girls targeted, through an animation by questions and answers on the management of menses.

During this phase, protective kits during menstruation were given to all 200 girls, including 50 from primary school.

Sanlé Jean Barthélémy Ouattara, acting country director of the Center for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI), a partner of the CBDF, said he was satisfied to see the girls and teachers of Gana very interested in the theme addressed with regard to enthusiasm and their involvement.

The headmaster of Gana Issiaka Compaoré high school welcomed the initiative of the CBDF to support the girls and the choice made on his establishment.

This activity was an opportunity for the CBDF and CECI delegation to note the dilapidated state of the establishment’s latrines and to promise their renovation to allow students to use them in good conditions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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