Baringo County Official Urges Caution in Grazing Areas Amid Security Operations

BARINGO, Kenya — Baringo County Commissioner Stephen Kutwa has issued a warning to residents about grazing livestock in regions currently deemed dangerous due to security concerns. This caution comes in the aftermath of an incident involving a police reservist who was recuperating from injuries sustained during a confrontation with suspected armed bandits. The official statement was made during a press briefing at the Baringo County Referral Hospital in Kabarnet town, following a visit to the injured National Police Reservist (NPR).

According to Kenya News Agency, the advisory aims to support the efforts of multi-agency teams involved in the “Maliza Uhalifu” operation, a security initiative designed to apprehend armed criminals who often use livestock as shields. The NPR officer was attacked while tracking down bandits responsible for the death of Thomas Kibet, the Head Teacher of Kagir Primary School, who was murdered in an ambush that also resulted in the theft of his mobile phone. Kibet, 55, was attacked en route to a Form One parents’ orientation day at Kipcherere Secondary School, an event he was attending with his wife.

Kutwa emphasized the necessity of keeping certain areas vacated to ensure the success of operations aimed at eliminating the threat posed by criminals masquerading as herders. He expressed that with sufficient pasture and water available in their own regions, there is no justification for community members to venture into neighboring areas, potentially escalating tensions.

The brutal attack on the blind primary school headteacher, resulting in his immediate death, and the subsequent injury of the NPR officer, were strongly condemned by Kutwa, who reassured the public that the perpetrators would be confronted and brought to justice. County Police Commander Julius Kiragu echoed this sentiment, highlighting the ongoing efforts to drive armed criminals from displaced communities and promising that their resistance will be overcome.

Commander Kiragu also reassured parents and guardians of the safety measures in place for school-going children in affected areas, including escorted travel to and from schools to ensure their protection. He called on all stakeholders to contribute to the collective effort to eradicate the criminal activities plaguing the region.

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