Banwa: The first color climb canceled due to rain

Officials, directors and heads of provincial services met this Monday morning at the town hall of Solenzo following the call of the High Commissioner of the Banwa for the first rise of the colors since the return of public administration.

Indeed this Monday, May 8 morning around 7 am those who were invited to the rise of the colors all answered present.

Remember that since March 2022 there has been no more color upsurge in Solenzo due to insecurity.

The provincial authority addressed the citizens

But since the reconquest of Banwa province by the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), the administration has opened its doors and public service has resumed to the delight of the population.

This is how Monday, May 8 was chosen to honor the rise of the national colors because Monday, 1st was a holiday.

Teachers, managers and heads of service as well as the FDS are in place to bide their time.

The high commissioner arrived in a light rain and it is for this purpose that this climb which should be held at any time has been canceled because of the rain.

According to the explanations of an element of the FDS any color which must be mounted in the morning and descended in the evening must not be done in the rain.

The flag that was ready was detached to be put away and the appointment was given in another service on the first Monday of June 2023.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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