Banwa: Provincial consultation days on reforms in Burkina Faso

The Living Forces of the Banwa province met for exchanges on political and administrative reforms on June 9, 2023.

On Friday, June 9, 2023 in the morning, the High Commissioner proceeded to the opening of the work before the Living Forces of the province and explained the merits of these days of exchanges.

Thus 21 reforms will be discussed, including 10 political reforms and 11 administrative reforms.

After the opening remarks, participants are invited to discuss each reform and the relevant ideas are mentioned in the report.

The High Commissioner and the Prefect-President of the special delegation of Solenzo lead the debates.

Each reform is assessed and expectations and observations on the said reform are discussed and the best proposals which are unanimously accepted are taken into account.

According to the High Commissioner, these discussions will allow the refoundation of the State and the improvement of governance.

“The deputies could do the work among themselves but they wanted the population to immerse themselves in these reforms and give their opinion. This is why I invite everyone to participate actively in the debates during these two days”: concludes the Provincial High Commissioner.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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