Banwa Province Sees 757 Candidates Vie for BEPC Diploma in 2024

BANWA — This Tuesday morning, June 4, 757 students embarked on the First Cycle Study Certificate (BEPC) exams for the 2024 session at the Banwa provincial high school in the Boucle du Mouhoun region. The exams signify a pivotal step for local students aiming to secure this crucial educational qualification.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the Secretary General of Banwa province, the examination was initiated with the support of local educational leaders, department heads, and members of the Defense and Health Forces (FDS). During the opening ceremony, Kongzabré encouraged the candidates to thoroughly review their test papers and expressed confidence in their potential success. “You have the support of the highest authorities in the country and you have our blessings. We remain hopeful that the province will be first at the regional or even national level once the results are announced,” he stated.

One of the candidates, Brigitte Coulibaly, shared her optimism about the exams, noting her preparedness and the quality of instruction she has received. “It’s my first time doing the BEPC but with what our teachers have taught us, I think it will work,” Coulibaly remarked. The examination process began promptly at 7:30 a.m. with a dictation test, following a thorough check of the students and the presence of FDS personnel across four different juries within the province.

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