Banwa: IDPs benefit from 220 tons of food

Nearly 3,800 IDPs benefited from 220 tons of food during this lean season.

The National Committee for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR) as well as CSOs in the province and the NGO Terre des Hommes came to the aid of internally displaced persons in Solenzo, through a donation of 220 tons of food consisting of sorghum and rice.

The sharing began on Friday August 18, 2023 and should end the next day in front of the premises of the Humanitarian Action, National Solidarity, Gender and Banwa Family Department.

Several hundred people from the displaced people of the different villages of the province stormed the service.

The High Commissioner of the province of Banwa Oumarou Sandwidi, president of COPROSUR, as well as certain members of the committee and also the various directors and heads of provincial services witnessed this donation.

Oumarou Sandwidi, welcoming the presence of the population, affirmed the government’s unwavering support for the internally displaced.

“The government is aware of the suffering of the internally displaced and this is why CONASUR alone gave 200 tons of food to support you. CSOs and also Terre des Hommes donated nearly 20 tons of food to show their support. More than 3,800 people will benefit, but know that those who do not have today will have them in the days or months to come,” added Oumarou Sandwidi.

Thus the sharing is done according to the size of the household and the households received between 25 kg and 150 kg of food.

“We don’t have a field and with this month of August I was wondering how to live in Solenzo. The food problem is difficult. We really tell the High Commissioner to salute the country’s leaders because it’s like they know what we’re going through. I had two bags and that can do a lot for my family,” said an internally displaced person who requested anonymity.

With a smile on their face, each beneficiary hastened to join the family.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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