Banwa: CCP members hold their first meeting in Solenzo

The province of Banwa, in the Boucle du Mouhoun region held on Thursday, June 15, 2023, its first Provincial Consultation Framework (CCP) of the year 2023 with its members in Solenzo, to make the assessment of the activities and the difficulties encountered.

Since the reconquest of the city of Solenzo by the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), all activities have been held in the said city.

Thus, the members of the Provincial Consultation Framework (CCP) met for the first time on Thursday, June 15, 2023 in Solenzo, in order to take stock of the activities and the difficulties encountered.

The High Commissioner invited the Prefect and President of the Special Delegation (PDS) of Solenzo to deliver the first communication which relates to the assessment of the implementation of the activities of the Emergency Project for Territorial Development and Resilience (PUDTR).

According to the prefect, several infrastructures have been carried out in the municipalities of Solenzo and Kouka, but given the security situation, the achievements of the municipality of Sanaba and some villages of Solenzo have been terminated.

To this end, the members of the CCP asked the prefect to make a plea to the project, so that all the municipalities benefit from the actions of the PUDTR.

The provincial director in charge of humanitarian action, national solidarity, gender and the family presented to the members the difficulties encountered by his service and also the situation of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

“In 2017, IDPs were counted at your fingertips, but nowadays there is an influx of IDPs in Solenzo, so support is rare, but the service does everything possible to help them,” he added.

Structures such as the Association of Wholesalers and Retailers of Agricultural Inputs of Burkina Faso (AGRODIA), the National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR) and the World Food Program (WFP) support IDPs with food.

Banwa province was unable to start the 2022-2023 school year due to insecurity, according to the provincial director in charge of National Education.

According to him, 276 educational structures are closed but a site has been erected to accommodate students from the municipality of Sanaba and Kouka in Dédougou.

“We were able to accommodate 276 students in Dédougou. The resumption of Solenzo made it possible to open all classes with 2,537 students, which also allowed us to take part in the end-of-year exams, even if we resumed at the end of February”, he confided.

The members also asked the provincial director of Education and the prefect to plead with the PUDTR, so that suitable solutions are found in Solenzo, to allow all the pupils of the province to follow the courses.

The representative of the District Chief Medical Officer (MCD) of the city of Solenzo noted in his communication that the services operate at a minimum in the province. He also reported that 5 medical ambulances were taken away by unidentified armed men (HANI).

It should be noted that 48 caesarean sections have been performed at the Solenzo Medical Center with Surgical Antenna (CMA) since its opening on March 26, 2023.

Insecurity has also forced the Social Centers for Social Advancement (CSPS) in the municipality of Sanaba and some villages of Solenzo to close their doors.

“If nothing is done, especially the return of security, we will have home births, maternal and infant mortality, because even with security in Solenzo, it is very difficult for us to do our job. We need electricity and fuel to enable evacuations,” the MCD continued.

The provincial director in charge of Agriculture delivered the last communication.

For him, the 2022-2023 winter season has settled in well and the rains have been well distributed in time and space.

According to him, several projects including the PUDTR support farmers with agricultural inputs.

CCP members were concerned about the winter season of this year 2023/2024, because according to them, until the date of June 16, 2023, there are not always rains to allow farmers to reach the fields.

The provincial director in charge of Agriculture reassured the members of the CCP that the soils of the Banwa province are fertile and whatever the beginning of the winter season, the harvests will be good.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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