Banfora Celebrates 63rd Independence Day with Honors for Local Contributors in Léraba


Sindou – On December 11, 2023, the Cascades region of Burkina Faso, led by Governor Badaboué Florent Bazié, recognized 58 individuals for their outstanding contributions, including 11 from the province of Léraba. This recognition was part of the celebrations commemorating the 63rd anniversary of Burkina Faso’s independence.

According to Burkina Information Agency, the honored individuals from Léraba were among those celebrated for their dedication and service to the nation. The honorees received distinctions across various ranks, including the knight of the order of the Stallion, the officer of the Burkinabè order of merit, the medal of honor of local communities, and the Order of Merit for Rural Development, Staple Agriculture.

The recipients, predominantly from the province of Léraba, expressed their satisfaction and commitment to further serving the nation. The theme of this year’s celebration, “Patriotic commitment and citizen participation: Fundamental for the return of peace and the construction of the Burkinabè Nation-State,” underscored the significance of the occasion. The festivities took place in Banfora, the capital of the Cascades region, which comprises the provinces of Comoé and Léraba.

Governor Badaboué Florent Bazié seized the opportunity to call upon the entire population to unite in support of the FDS (Defense and Security Forces) for the reconquest of territory and to contribute to the agro-pastoral offensive aimed at enhancing agro-pastoral production and achieving food self-sufficiency.