Bam:Women support administration in fight against terrorism

Several hundred women gathered this Saturday morning in Kongoussi to show their support for the local administration which banned women in August 2023, as part of the fight against terrorism, from to frequent the bushes in search of firewood.

These are women from all components of the city of Kongoussi and mainly composed of internally displaced women (IDPs) who responded to the call from the coordination of women from the central market of Kongoussi, to support the administration in its will to reconquer the provincial territory through strong measures.

“Any woman who still finds herself in the bush, whatever the reasons, will be held responsible for the consequences that her presence would have caused,” declared women’s spokesperson Ms. Perpétue Sawadogo.

She also reassured the administrative authorities of Bam of the availability of women to respect all administrative and security measures falling within the framework of the fight against terrorism.

The meeting took place in the form of awareness-raising and was attended by the cantonal chiefs of Zitenga (Tikaré zone) Naaba Tigré and that of Datenga (Zimtanga and Bourzanga) Naaba Tigré who also took note of the women’s decision.

The secretary general of the province of Bam Karim Ouédraogo who chaired the meeting on behalf of the high commissioner of Bam, congratulated the women for having understood the meaning of the administration’s approach by committing to no longer violate the texts .

A voluntary contribution from women made it possible to raise a sum of 198,505 FCFA which was transmitted to the secretary general of the province for the benefit of the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland (VDP) who secure the Kongoussi-Sabcé axis.

As a reminder, the high commissioner of the province of Bam, Adama Jean Yves Béré, banned in a press release signed on August 22, 2023, the frequentation of deserted areas and the bushes by the populations so as not to hinder operations to secure the territory. provincial.

But since then, women have continued to violate the measure by frequenting the bushes in search of firewood.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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