Balé: Producers satisfied with the new NPK corn fertilizer

Boromo, The Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research (INERA) in collaboration with the provincial directorate in charge of agriculture of the Balé province presented the results on the response of corn to the new NPK fertilizer on Friday October 13, 2023 during a guided visit to the town of Boromo. The activity mobilized numerous players from the world of research, agriculture and local administrative authorities.

For the 2022-2023 agricultural campaign, the model agricultural producer, Zongo François, from the village of Nanou in the commune of Boromo was chosen for testing the new NPK12-30 10-4.5 CaO fertilizer specific to corn. This new fertilizer is formulated by INERA, produced and marketed by the Burkina Phosphate Exploitation Company (SEPB).

To verify in the open field the effectiveness of the new fertilizer and better visibility of the results, INERA in collaboration with the provincial directorate in charge of agriculture invited the local administrative authorities, the first manager
s of the company operating the phosphates from Burkina and many producers from the commune of Boromo have a guided visit to Nanou in the province of Balé.

During the activity, participants were able to see the yield of the plots where the new formulations were applied and then evaluate the test results of this fertilizer, a new discovery from INERA.

After the presentation of the new fertilizer beneficial to corn and the visit to the trial area, the participants had discussions with agricultural technicians, INERA officials and the production and marketing company.

The producers expressed their satisfaction in view of the results deemed satisfactory by all but they also raised concerns linked in particular to the use of this fertilizer, the availability of the product and the accessibility of the cost to producers. The various concerns were answered satisfactorily, according to the producers.

In the opinion of the presenter of the guided tour, Amélie Bougouma, this new NPK fertilizer has ecological advanta

According to M Bougouma, it is also adapted to the soil types of Burkina and favorable to abundant production.

The head of the technical support zone of the directorate in charge of agriculture, Nestor Zidiwemba, declared that the results of the use of this fertilizer are edifying. According to Mr. Zidiwemba, the formulas can be popularized for the benefit of all producers in Burkina Faso.

The high commissioner of Balé province, Ibrahim Boly, welcomed the fact that the fertilizer was produced in Burkina Faso.

Also, he invited producers to appropriate new agricultural technologies and the objectives of the guided tour to enable Burkina Faso to achieve food sovereignty.

The general director of the Burkina phosphate mining company, Dr. Jean Ouedraogo, and the deputy project coordinator, Dr. Badiori Ouattara of INERA, all expressed their satisfaction with the success of the activity and reaffirmed the availability of their structures have always supported the agricultural world for satisfactory results.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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