Balé: A few days before her wedding, she dies struck down

A young girl under 20 whose wedding was scheduled for June 8, died on the evening of Sunday June 4, due to lightning which also took her life , to a young man and injured a third person in Ouahabou (Boromo, Balé), learned the AIB.

Three young people were struck by lightning on Sunday June 4, 2023 in the village of Ouahabou (municipality of Boromo), under heavy rain, the AIB learned from local sources.

Two victims died on the spot, namely a young man and a young girl under 20 years old. The 3rd person survived and was evacuated to Boromo Medical Center.

According to local sources, the facts occurred in different neighborhoods of the village of Ouahabou, but at the same time.

The girl is expected to marry next Thursday, June 8, they added.

This rain also caused a lot of material damage in the municipality of Siby.

Several houses and commercial sheds were disheveled, streets flooded and SONABEL facilities affected.

The witnesses affirmed that it was a very difficult evening because the rain was abundant with high winds.

Burkina Information Agency

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