Azerbaijan Eyes AI Collaboration Opportunities with Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA — Azerbaijan has initiated discussions to pursue Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based collaborations with Ethiopia, signaling a potential expansion of technological and bilateral ties between the two nations. A delegation led by Mahammadali Khudaverdiyev, the Director General for International Affairs under the Azerbaijani President, visited the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute to explore these opportunities.

According to Ethiopian News Agency, during the visit, Director-General Worku Gachena showcased the institute’s extensive operations and projects. Khudaverdiyev introduced the delegation to Azerbaijan’s ASAN Service Centers, which exemplify Azerbaijan’s application of AI in public services. He voiced a strong interest in establishing similar AI-driven projects in partnership with Ethiopia, drawing on Azerbaijan’s experiences and existing partnerships across Africa.

The visit facilitated a comprehensive dialogue on AI applications, with both parties expressing enthusiasm for identifying and developing joint initiatives. The Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute emphasized its readiness to collaborate closely with Azerbaijan, particularly in advancing AI and other emerging technologies, to strengthen their bilateral relationship.

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