Minister Nxesi’s vaccine shot in the arm as Compensation Fund, entities set aside R1.35-billion for 3 million uninsured workersIn a significant boost to the country’s vaccination programme, the Department of Employment and Labour through the Compensati...
JOHANNESBURG— South Africa will launch phase two of its vaccine rollout on Monday with the aim of inoculating five million citizens aged over 60 by the end of June, its health minister said.“This is provided that the supply of vaccines flows as anticip...
In Numbers5,094 mt of food commodities distributedUS $ 4.9 m cash-based transfers madeUS $ 162 m six months (April-September 2021) net funding requirements880,845 people assisted in March 2021Food Security SituationFood Security OutlookAccording to FEW...
JERUSALEM – WFP has started providing emergency assistance for more than 51,000 people in north Gaza in response to rising humanitarian needs among families affected by the recent escalation of conflict in the impoverished strip.Working alongside its p...
Responding to rising humanitarian needs brought about by the escalation of conflict in the Gaza Strip, the World Food Programme (WFP) on Monday began providing emergency assistance to support families, amid fears of low food stocks and rising prices. T...
The country recorded a total of a total of 1,353 confirmed new COVDI-19 cases in April, which is an increase compared to March (864) but still below the rate in February (2,723); while the death rate continued a downward trend—44 deaths were reported i...
Minister Marais commemorates International Museum day in CeresAs we commemorate International Museum Day tomorrow, 18 May 2021, Minister Anroux Marais donated books from her personal collection to the Togryers Museum in Ceres this afternoon.Earlier thi...
The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Ms Barbara Creecy, has granted an extension until 28 May 2021 for public consultation on the Revised National Biodiversity Framework (NBF) 2019 to 2024.The draft Revised Framework was published i...